Research Sustainability Concordat

UK Research Environmental Sustainability Concordat content

UK Research Environmental Sustainability Concordat

The UK research and innovation (R&I) sector have developed a voluntary environmental sustainability concordat which represents a shared ambition for the sector to become more sustainable. The aim of the concordat is to ensure research and innovation continues to play a critical part in cutting-edge research, while helping the sector to act responsibly to protect and promote our environment.

By signing the concordat, UHI agrees to :

  • recognise the need to change how we conduct research and innovation as well as promote wider solutions
  • agree to take shared action now and in the future to reduce and eliminate our own negative environmental impacts and emissions and achieve the transition to sustainable practices.

This will be achieved by committing to taking action on the following six areas to deliver real change by 2050:

  1. Leadership and system change
  2. Sustainable Infrastructure
  3. Sustainable procurement
  4. Emissions from business and academic travel
  5. Collaborations and partnerships
  6. Environmental impact and reporting data

Our letter of commitment to the priorities of the Concordat for the Environmental Sustainability of Research and Innovation Practice can be found at the below link:

UHI commitment to this concordat

Read about the aims of the concordat content

Read about the aims of the concordat

The aim of the concordat is to ensure research and innovation continues to play a critical part in understanding how our planet is changing, while helping the sector to act responsibly to protect and promote our environment.  You can read all about the development and the aim of this concordat on the Wellcome Foundation website - click the image left