Science, nature and the environment


Are you passionate about our seas and oceans? Or maybe woodlands are more your style?

Can you imagine studying by the cool waters of the West Coast of Scotland? Live out your dream and base yourself at SAMS, a beach front campus with an enormous wealth of marine and coastal environments right outside your door.

If you want to immerse yourself in greenery and understand more about respecting and caring for our environment, study forestry in the dramatic backdrop of the Highlands, at one of the only courses of its kind in Scotland.

Collage of 4 | forestry | UHI SAMS | Archaeology

content Pathways to study content

Pathways to study

Pathways to study

If you don't initially meet the entry requirements for degree study there is always another route and you may want to consider an HNC or access course. 

Careers and professional development content

Careers and professional development

Careers and professional development

Find out more about our professional development courses including:

Graduates progress into a variety of roles:

  • Aquaculture and fisheries industries
  • Biotechnology, food and drink chemical industries
  • Conservation protection and environmental analysis 
  • Equine coach and rehabilitation
  • Environmental, government agency and forestry organisations
  • Marine biotechnology and conservation
  • Natural resource industries 
  • Policy development
  • Research and academia
  • Tourism

Collage of 3 | UHI SAMS students

Collage of 3 | Fisheries | Equine studies | Marine science

Nature, science and the environment sector

  • 17% Conservation and environment professional is the most commonly held job held by environmental science graduates in employment in the UK Tourism is forecast to account for 11.4% of Scotland’s total number of job openings in the long-term (2024-2031)
  • 73.1% of graduates employed
  • Careers as teaching professionals, business, research and administrative professionals, sales, marketing and related associate professionals, and business associate professionals are also popular
  • Nearly a fifth of Bioscience graduates are employed as natural and social science professionals




Why our students love UHI

Alberto, marine science graduate

I knew at SAMS I would have lots of opportunities to get into the lab and do plenty of research and, as SAMS only accepts a select number of students per year, it makes it so much easier to have a dialogue and a rapport with your lectures and the researchers.

Alberto, from the USA, studied our BSc (Hons) Marine Science at the Scottish Association of Marine Science (SAMS), a UHI partner.

Alberto Rock


Janne Bruhns

Janne, marine science with oceanography and robotics student

I love this course because our lecturers are renowned scientists in their field, and it's so inspiring to be taught by them. It's hands on with a small number of students per class, so you have a very personal connection to your lecturer. If you’re passionate about the ocean this is by far the best place study. I think SAMS is brilliant and I would recommend it to anyone especially if you love learning by doing.
Janne is studying BSc (Hons) Marine Science with Oceanography and Robotics at SAMS, a UHI partner.