Programme approval: Programme and Document Development

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Debbie Wartnaby

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Programme approval process | A fabulous idea - Internal AP discussions - Stage 1 Planning - Stage 2 peer review - Stage 3 academic approval - Stage 4 post approval and delivery - modifying curriculum and mandatory re-approval

So you’ve had an idea for a new programme, you’ve managed to secure planning approval, or are in the process of doing so, but are unsure what you need to do next? Well, this is the webinar for you.

We will explore your programme development including:

  • Developing documentation for approval
  • Devising programme outcomes and structures
  • Learning and teaching approaches
  • Identifying library resources
  • Modes of delivery
  • Employability
  • Alignment to internal strategy and academic regulations
  • Alignment to external benchmarks and accreditation requirements
  • Recruitment and marketing planning
  • Staff development plans

This is the second in a series of four webinars focussed on programme approval and this webinar is mandatory for colleagues wishing to develop a new programme. You only need to attend once. It may also be of use to colleagues based who have an interest in quality and would like to learn more about the curriculum development cycle.


Debbie Wartnaby

Debbie Wartnaby

Debbie’s previous professional background at UHI lies with the former Faculties and Academic Standards team where she worked closely with academic staff, subject network leaders and the Deans of Faculty by providing high-level administrative support for the faculties in undertaking their quality assurance responsibilities with programme and curriculum development.

For two years, from Sep 21, she was seconded to the Learning and Teaching Academy responsible for University’s staff development fund, the University’s engagement with Advance HE Aurora Leadership Development Programme, and the learning and teaching enhancement strand of the mentoring scheme.

From September 2023, Debbie’s new role as Programme Development Advisor, based within the Academic Practice Development team and working across Learning and Teaching, means that she will support the development of new HE- level provision, including SQA awards. Debbie co-ordinates and manages processes and staff-facing professional development relating to the approval of new curriculum.

Debbie is a Senior Fellow of the HEA and continues to mentor others to gain accreditation via the Professional Recognition strand of the mentoring scheme. She is also one of the Advance HE’s Aurora Institutional Champions.

photo of Wendy Jessiman

Wendy Jessiman

Wendy Jessiman is member of the Teaching and Learning Department, a Senior Lecturer in Academic Development and Innovation, and has worked at UHI since 2017 (previously Department of Nursing and Midwifery). Wendy coordinates the Learning and Teaching Enhancement strand. She has taught both undergraduate and postgraduate students, and developed and led programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Over 4 decades Wendy has published and presented (PURE), sharing her experience and supporting others to develop their careers in healthcare or in academia. Wendy recognises the role of mentoring in providing an opportunity for staff to explore avenues for both personal and professional development.

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