UHI Mentoring Development Workshops: Mentor identity and competencies

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Alex Walker
email: events.lta@uhi.ac.uk

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The workshop will begin by exploring the role of the mentor and participants will reflect on and consider their own mentor identity.

Participants are encouraged to do a pre-workshop task, selecting an image that they feel best represent the mentor role. Literature has shown that an integral part of successful mentoring partnerships is critical reflection before, during, and after mentoring conversations so that we don’t fall into preconceptions of the mentor role which can be difficult to change (Nyanjom 2020 and Langdon et al. 2016) and a recycling of power hierarchy as the mentee progresses from mentee to mentor (Darwin 2000).

This first workshop will begin this reflection and participants will revisit and revise their mentor competencies throughout the workshop series.

Pre-workshop task: Select image(s) that you feel represent the role or identity of a mentor and add it to this whiteboard.

Although presented as separate workshops, the four mentoring workshop sessions are purposely scaffolded to develop mentoring practice and participants are encouraged to attend all where possible. More information is provided below. Contact lta@uhi.ac.uk to book your place.

Darwin, A. (2000) ‘Critical Reflections on mentoring in work settings’. Adult Education Quarterly 50 (3), 197-211. https://doi.org/10.1177/07417130022087008.

Nyanjom, J. (2020) ‘Calling to mentor: the search for mentor identity through the development of mentor competency’. Educational Action Research 28(2), 242-257. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/09650792.2018.1559069.


Alex Walker, Head of Academic Practice and Development, LTA UHI

Alex Walker

Alex began to coordinate the UHI Mentoring Scheme in 2017, as well as leading the Professional Recognition mentoring strand. Alex also mentors colleagues for professional recognition and has mentored and coached colleagues at UHI. Alex’s interest in mentoring has grown with her role, recognising and seeing the benefits that mentoring can bring, including supporting the development and enhancement of practice and connecting colleagues across location, disciplines and roles. Alex was awarded ILM Level 5 Coaching and Mentoring qualification in 2023 and in 2022 completed a MEd dissertation exploring the experiences of colleagues engaged in mentoring through the UHI scheme.

To Book

Please email events.lta@uhi.ac.uk to book a place on this event.


We want to make this a positive experience for all participants and hope we have met everyone’s needs in joining this event. If you have particular access needs please contact us at lta@uhi.ac.uk so we can work together to get you as good an experience as we can.


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